

Billy used 714X for six months. 714X is an aqueous solution containing camphor, nitrogen salts, and mineral salts, which is injected once a day in 21 day cycles. The length of time for the treatment depends upon the individual. In Billy’s case, the cancer was gone in 2 ½ months but he continued the treatment for a total of six months. 714X is a powerful treatment that boosts the immune system so the body can fight off the disease. CERBE Distribution Inc. located in Canada manufactures it. For more information contact CERBE at (819) 564-7883, see their web site at www.cerbe.com or call Sue and Bill Best at (508) 378-2274.

Billy finished treatment with 714X in July 1995. Since then he continues to drink Essiac, takes vitamin and mineral supplements, eats nutritiously, does a booster 21 day cycle of 714X occasionally and gets lots of exercise with his favorite activity, skateboarding.